Schüleraustausch USA: Welcome IGS Morbach

+++day 5 ++++Best wishes for Good Friday from Fairfield to Morbach+++by stefan schütz++++05:18am++++

Today was our last at the Highschool so we had to say goodbye to our fellow teachers and the school administration.
This morning we had one last task when we told several classes about our home, Morbach and the Hunsrück.

Student Report by Jannik:

Today I had the incredible possibility to fly a plane myself. My host family took me to an airport in Fredericks County where we had a little flying. After that we took off. Flying a propeller – driven plane was an amazing feeling. One of many wonderful memories I got in the USA.




+++++day 4 +++ washington+++17th of April++++by stefan schütz +++5:36 am +++++18km on foot in sunny 25°C+++

+++We started early in the morning when a real American school bus took us to Washington. There, we first visited the Capitol, then many memorials and the White House, but only from the outside. We ended with visiting John F. Kennedy’s grave and the Pentagon memorial.+++